Welcome to the New Castles in the Air!

You are here, you are totally here!

Welcome, folks, to the new and improved Castles in the Air blog! I am so excited to have you stop by. Thanks again to the brilliant Ivan Lo for his work on the site!

A few things have changed but you can still expect the same great, and oftentimes, thought-provoking articles.

The things that have changed

There are now 5 Categories instead of the 9 I had, therefore, streamlining more of the articles into a more minimalist, simple approach:

Take some time to browse through these categories and acquaint yourselves with some of the topics discussed. You’ll find that my writing is infused with my personality, my takes on life, lifestyle design, minimalism, realizing your dreams, and all around positivity. I feel we are our best when we are being true to ourselves, and not just settling for the status quo and mediocrity. I also feel we are more free when living a simple, minimalist life. And I’ll share with you many techniques on ridding yourselves of crap and leading an awesome life instead!

You can also check out the Start Here page for the meaning behind the name of this blog, Castles in the Air. For more on the person behind the writing, view the About page.

Oh, my minimalist story is featured on Francine Jay’s (Miss Minimalist) wonderful site on Monday, August 2! Francine is an American writer living a minimalist life in England. She is also the author of 2 excellent books, Frugillionaire: 500 Fabulous Ways to Live Richly and Save a Fortune and The Joy of Less: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life. Check out her blog and drop her a line!

Thank you for visiting, my friends, and I do hope you choose to stop by again for some more awesomeness! Together, we can change the way we view and think about the world and our lives. Let’s do it!

Stay updated by subscribing to the RSS reader and follow me on , Twitter , or simply contact me. :)

View Comments

  1. tokyin says:

    Congratulations!!!! Very very nice, clean and neat design! ^_^

    Ivan and you did an awesome job! Also, the changes that you've made is definitely an improvement.

  2. Kiran says:

    Nice! Beautiful work Nina (and Ivan).

  3. Thanks, Kiran!! Ivan helped tremendously and it turned out beautifully!

  4. Thanks! The minimalist, fun design is a great fit to who I am. Ivan did a fantastic job. :)

  5. Congrats on getting the new site launched. Looks great and I'm looking forward to being an avid reader! Cheers!

  6. Thanks for your support, Matt! I also enjoy your blog Life Without Pants, it has great content!


    Site looks killer. Clean & simple but not boring. Has a great “design” feel [whatever that means]. All I got to say is it's about time! =)

  8. haha, I know, right?? Launching it, baby!! Do it now or do it never! Kind of how your approach to life is, which if you don't know already, I absolutely LOVE!

  9. Love the new site, Nina, and looking forward to featuring you as this week's Real Life Minimalist! Congrats on the launch!

  10. Thanks, Francine! And thank you for featuring me in your wonderful blog! :)

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