Free eBook: Questions to Ask Yourself

Questions to Ask Yourself: From the Practical to the Silly, 30 Questions We Need to Ask Ourselves on the Meaning of a Simple, Full Life is here and yours for free to download!

This is my second free ebook, the first one being The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide. I hope you enjoy both of them. :)

Download the ebook here.

With nearly 70 pages in this ebook, you’ll find 30 questions to ask yourself, and hopefully you’ll demand honest answers. Only you can determine truly what it means for you to live a simple, full life. And after reading this ebook, there may be some areas you will need to address within yourself.

Some questions you will find include:

  • Do I Have to Be Nice?
  • Do I Really Need All This Stuff?
  • How Do I Know When I’m In Need of a Vacation?
  • Are Sea Monkeys Even Real Creatures?
  • Why Is Diversity Important?
  • How Do I Have Fun?
  • Do Fish Sleep?
  • Am I Fat?
  • Why Am I So Broke?

If you are satisfied, happy, and content with where you are in life and where you’re headed, great! I’m so happy for you! Keep on doing what you’re doing. Don’t lose steam and be sure to crucify all those vampires in your life. You don’t need them as much as they think you do.

On the other hand, if you are dissatisfied, depressed, and enraged at where you are in life and where you’re headed, I hope this ebook helps you in some little way. Please let me know on or how it has helped you, or you can leave me a comment or send me a message.

Please share this ebook with your friends, relatives, coworkers, and followers on Twitter! We all could use some questions to ask ourselves.

To my avid readers, thank you for all your support and encouragement these past few months! I really appreciate the generosity of those whom I’ve never even met face-to-face (but hopefully will one day!) but are so willing to give a pat on the back and say job well done. It’s difficult to want to branch out on one’s own in the face of constant status quo and mediocrity beckoning me to come back and join the rat race. Yes, I’m still physically in the rat race, but my heart, mind, and soul are all somewhere else. Thanks for joining me on my journey to ask hard questions and then to start taking action to get myself to where I want to be. I hope the same for you.

Be well, my friends! And thanks for stopping by on my birthday today. I turn 26, in case you’re wondering. Another year pass but so many more to look forward to. :)

  • Kris

    Happy Birthday Nina!
    and thank you for the ebook; loved the first one! looking forward to reading this one!

  • Joel Runyon | [BIT]

    Happy birthday nina!

  • Martin

    Ooooh, free stuff…Thanks Nina! And happy birthday!

  • The Living Space

    Very good. Thank you. And best wishes for an awesome birthday.

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Thanks, Kris, hope you enjoy it! :)

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Yay, thanks Joel! It was a wonderful one!!!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    :D Yes, free stuff, enjoy! And thanks for the birthday wishes!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the b-day wishes, Kiran! It was indeed a fantastic 26th b-day. :)

  • Leslie

    haha! I loved the ebook. Cool pictures of you actually jumping off a cliff.
    “We are born to be active, healthy human beings, not immobile, obese, disease-stricken people.” “Money will not be your best man at your wedding.”
    This book made me laugh so many times!

  • Matt Madeiro

    Happy (belated) Birthday, Nina!

    I'm sorry I missed it. But hey, I just read, absorbed, and wrote a review for the new eBook, so let's call it a belated birthday gift and pretend that it's the best damn gift you've ever received. :P

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Glad you found it a funny and great read, Leslie! I had a few laughs myself when writing this too! :-P Good times!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Matt, it is one of the best damned gifts I've ever received, haha! Thanks for reading and writing a review of this ebook! I'm excited to read it! And thanks for the b-day wish! :)

  • Polaris1265

    What a great eBook! I think I might have (finally!) learned a few things about what is important in life. Thanks!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    You're so welcome, glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  • Joel Runyon | [BIT]

    Just finished reading through the book

    Loved this quote –>
    “The whole function of money is not to have it; its function is to use it. The main reason for generating money is to buy experiences. You want to get to the end of your life with zilch in the bank, and look back and say, ““My God, look at this huge pile of experiences,”” because none of your memories are ever lost.
    - Stuart Wilde, Infinite Self”

    And this quote –>
    “Learn to pare down your things to only the life essentials. What you have left is what you can subsist on, leaving you glorious room for the intangibles in life: love, relationships, great work, and lasting experiences”

    Good stuff. Thanks Nina!

  • Nina | Castles in the Air

    Glad you enjoyed it, Joel! Thanks for reading.

  • Castles in the Air » Blog Archive » 9 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy When You’re Stuck in an Office Job

    [...] out Matt Madeiro’s blog, Three New Leaves, on Monday, Aug. 16 for his review of my free ebook Questions to Ask Yourself! And Castles in the Air was featured under Tammy Strobel’s blog, Rowdy Kittens, as one of her [...]

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