Colin Is His Name, Exile Lifestyle Is His Game

If you have no alternatives, if you burn all the bridges, then you will have no choice but to make this new path work. – Colin Wright on what it means to go all in (no half-assing here) Colin Wright is a wonderful chap. I’ve had the fun privilege of meeting him, Andi Norris and [...]

Minimalism Truths: 3 Arguments and Counters on the Minimalist Life

In the end, we will all die. But have we ever really lived? In my journey as a radical minimalist, living an unconventional lifestyle, choosing simplicity rather than consumerism, and making my own rules set for my own life, I’ve had discussions, debates, and debacles regarding what minimalism means and why it is a worthy [...]

Chris Guillebeau, An Interview With the Non-Conformist Himself

You don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to. – Chris Guillebeau In his popular blog, The Art of Non-Conformity, Chris Guillebeau, traveler, writer, and fighter of the status quo, shares with the world his philosophies, beliefs, ideas, experiences and know-how of what it means to live an unconventional and [...]

Leaping Forward to New Heights and Ultimate Freedom (With My Notice of Resignation Today)

It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains. – Thomas H. Huxley 1 day. 8 hours. 480 minutes. 28,800 seconds. All in a blink of an eye. And this is just one day for a standard 9-to-5 job, working an average of 8 hours. Multiply [...]

Being Ineffective Is As Good As Being Dead

No one should ever do something they dislike, especially if it does more harm than good. And especially if it changes you as a person for the worse. Just a few months ago, I attended my company’s quarterly forum, where company details were shared, such as the goals, set backs, and direction of where it’s [...]