Ice Cream Cones and Gringas In Santiago

A raw, authentic, fiery life is not about living up to other people’s rigidly set standards, rules and obligatory expectations. If that means you eat an ice cream cone while staring at two gringas in the middle of Plaza de Armas in Santiago, Chile, then so be it!

Focus: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of True Immersion in Life, Work and Play (Part 4: A Focused Conversation With Leo Babauta, Author of Focus)

Focus isn’t about putting pressure on ourselves to focus and achieve. It’s about letting go of the feeling that we need to stay updated and connected. It’s about letting go of fears so that we can find a place of calm and focus and get the things done that we truly love. – Leo Babauta [...]

The Piercing Truth of Transcendence

Aristotle has once brilliantly said, “We are what we do repeatedly.” So does that mean the vast majority of us are consumerist whores, selling our private, fragile souls to the corporations at large, so willingly handing over our already limited choices — choices made limited because of how we choose to live our lives — [...]

Awareness: The Most Precious Kind of Freedom

Editor’s Note: Joshua Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus from are two really, really tall guys. How do I know? I felt like a small squirrel standing next to them while chatting at the Chicago Tweetup a few weeks back. But seriously, besides being tall, they are extremely nice and engaging and has worked hard to [...]

Focus: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of True Immersion in Life, Work and Play (Part 3: How to Pour Your Energy Into What Matters)

This is part 3 of a 4-part series entitled Focus: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of True Immersion in Life, Work and Play. Stay up-to-date on when part 4 comes out by subscribing for free with RSS or e-mail. Connect with me on Twitter and say hi. In part 1, you’re naked. In part [...]