Archive for December 2010

The Minimalist Freedom Schedule: How One Chick Is Living Her Dreams (And How You Can Too)

Some people think self-employment is risky, but the real risk lies in deriving your security from an external source. – Chris Guillebeau, The Art of Non-Conformity It’s 3:17 a.m. as I’m writing this. I just finished a small bowl of organic oats and honey granola cereal and a cup of fresh-leaf Jasmine green tea (yes, [...]

Subterranean Objectives, Clandestine Operatives and Minimalist Freedom Fighters: Cracking the Minimalist Code

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. – Dale Carnegie Minimalism and the art of a minimalist lifestyle need not be an uber difficult, scratch-your-head confusing and overwhelming task at hand. Especially when [...]

The Elegance of Minimalism

She effortlessly spins around with expert poise and unwavering balance. Beads of perspiration begin to form at the back of her neck, her heart thumping at an even pace against her thin chest as she pirouettes again and again. The warmth of the spotlight engulfs her entire being completely, bathing the dancer in not just [...]

The Truth About Anything: The Pain of Not Being Who We Were Made to Be

As I sat in the car during a winter road trip to a small winery in western Illinois for the Artist In Residence program, I peered to my right and gazed at the faraway orange-red sun setting behind the snow-covered country hills. Farms, barns, houses and haystacks all seemed so little, so far away in [...]

Why Travel Will Always Be On the Top of Everyone’s Wish List

Explore your own higher latitudes. Be a Columbus to whole new continents within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but thought. – Henry David Thoreau What do we want when we travel? What are we seeking when we hop on board a bus, train or plane to a destination far away from home? Is [...]