Finding Inner Harmony: The Self-Evident Reality of Minimalism

Minimalism is not about deprivation or discomfort. Rather, it is about bringing to light nature’s inner essence through grasping the self-evident reality that all we ever need in this world, we already have.

When one thinks of minimalism, what comes to mind?

Is it an empty, white room with nothing in it at all, much less a spot of dirt?

Is it owning less than 100 things? The number in which we strive to be under?

Is it about finding balance and peace within our lives? Of committing to less?

It can be all of these things or none of these things. You define it as you see fit in your life.

Minimalism is not about deprivation or discomfort. Rather, it is about bringing to light nature’s inner essence through grasping the self-evident reality that all we ever need in this world, we already have.

A stone is a stone, a tree a tree. Likewise, you are you and I am me.

Your findings in what allows you to be at peace with yourself and your surroundings will be much different than my findings. This is perfectly natural.

While one person reveres the simple beauty and elegance that various flowers and plants have, another may not find as enlightening. And while one person finds a sense of calmness sitting still and looking out into the vast ocean, another can find calmness amidst a busy and crowded train station in New York City.

Everyone’s definition is different. What is yours?

There is an art to minimalism. A great resource is Everett Bogue’s . Or the ever popular guide to a minimalist life by Leo Babauta, . However you define minimalism in your life, make it your self-evident reality.

This is the beginning of a series of posts entitled Finding Inner Harmony leading up to the launch of my new eBook, The Radical Minimalist: From Regular to Radical, 47 Ways to Take Your Life to the Edge on 10.10.10. I hope you enjoy this and will come back on the 10th to check out the new eBook.

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