Free eBook: The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide

The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide is here and yours for FREE!

This is my first ebook and it is my hope that it will add value to you on how to cultivate a minimalist style that allows you to look and feel your best.

Oftentimes the best things in life are the ones that don’t cost a single penny:

  • Rising before dawn in order to watch the beautiful sunrise
  • Taking a relaxing stroll along the beach
  • Jogging casually through a breezy forest preserve or park
  • Sipping a delicious cup of coffee while immersed in deep conversation with a friend
  • Being one in body, mind, and spirit when you are experiencing flow
  • Running freely and having all your stress, worries, and anxieties in life wiped clean
  • Loving others with a love that is beyond our comprehension
  • Serving the community at large by giving of ourselves what money can never buy … time, love, attention, care

And so with that, enjoy for free The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide! Download the ebook here.

Why am I offering this ebook for free? Because I can and want to. Readers and friends of Castles in the Air will appreciate reading great writing that can be of value to them in their lives (at least, I hope my writing has been thus far). :)

With 30 pages of useful and practical information, tips, and tricks inside The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide, you’ll find:

  • Distinct sections for both Women and Men’s Minimalist Style
  • Grooming
  • Hair
  • Skincare
  • Perfumes/Colognes
  • Accessories
  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Blurbs called Hear It From Nina which will detail my personal thoughts on said topics
  • Sketches from yours truly
  • And much, much more!

Keep in mind …

Who the guide is NOT for:

  • Those who enjoy shopping and acquiring things
  • Those who don’t want to be the best they can be, including looking the part
  • Those who dislike minimalist, simple styles
  • Those who want quick, easy answers to everything in life

Who the guide IS for:

  • Those who enjoy being minimalist, or at least want to start being more minimal
  • Those who don’t like being told that having style means having to buy the latest clothes and accessories
  • Those who want to be their best, including looking the part
  • Those who understand that having style starts within themselves and no amount of clothing can ever make them feel their best, so long as they feel horrible on the inside

If this ebook has inspired you, helped you, or encouraged you in some way, please feel free to share with others! I’d appreciate you passing along the link to the ebook to whomever you’d think might benefit.

And share with me in the Comments section as to how this has helped you. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks, my friends.

  • Simple Spaces

    Nice work (you must have taken months if not a year to write up this book!), some of things you mentioned in the ebook I’m already accustomed to (such less makeup, I never got into the makeup deal, I like au natural).

  • http://- Jen Xu


    I stumbled upon your blog and once I started reading, I just couldn’t stop. You offer so much good advice and touch upon so many issues that I’m struggling with right now–the ebook was just what I needed. It also made me realize that I’m not the only one with these thoughts (“My life is so cluttered!”) and feelings (“How am I being perceived at work? What do I wear?!”). Thank you and I look forward to reading future posts and ebooks! I also wanted to support your “business,” but the link is broken.

    Are you ever in Chicago? Curtis and I would love to catch up sometime. He’s been thinking about starting up a blog/business of his own too.


  • Castles in the Air

    Thanks Jen! I’ve fixed the link; I appreciate you bringing that to my attention.

    I am happy you’ve stumbled upon by blog and that you’re finding it inspirational! We’ll definitely have to all get together sometime in Chicago.

    Miss you!

  • Castles in the Air

    I love the au natural look. I think that’s the best thing you can do for your skin and image. Thanks for reading, Kiran!

  • steven

    good job nina, i read your blog at work and i tried to minimize my desk and office but people keeps giving me crap and bringing in stuff. yup. i’m printing the pdf as i’m writing this.

  • Castles in the Air

    Great work, Steven! I’m sure you’re doing just fine.

  • tokyin

    Your e-book truly came out with style!

    Also, great that you dedicated your first e-book to your mom, now this is the ultimate GREAT style!
    Hope you already let her know that you dedicate your e-book to her =)

    Yes, agreed with you that the best things in life are the ones that don’t cost a single penny.
    - Money and stuff might give us temporary happiness, but not necessary joy.
    - Money and stuff might help us to get an acquaintance, but not necessary a great friendship.
    - Money and stuff might impress certain people, but it cannot gain trust and true respect.

    Fabulous job on publishing your first e-book! It WILL SURELY be the first of many many to come! I just know, coz I trust that you can do it! =)

  • Castles in the Air

    Thanks so much for your continued support! I am so excited to have started and completed my first work. Gives me confidence to continue working towards pursuing my dreams. :)

  • My Dream of Freedom

    [...] to write helpful and inspiring ebooks that others can benefit from. My first free ebook is called The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide. It’s not perfect, but perfect is the enemy of done. I just have to do it and get it out [...]

  • Castles in the Air » Blog Archive » Why I Don’t Own a TV

    [...] come back next Thursday, July 1, for the launch of my first ebook The Ultimate Minimalist Style Guide! Did I mention it’s for free? Well, it [...]

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