The Radical Minimalist
“Average people yield average results. They also tend to lead average lives, have average careers, an average marriage, an average personality, average viewpoints, and an average lifestyle. You’re not here in this world to be average. You were meant to be radical, in your own way.” – Nina Yau, The Radical Minimalist
Not all radicals will be minimalists and not all minimalists will be radicals. This book will show you what it means to be both.
This Book Is For You If You Are:
- Inquisitive about the minimalist lifestyle
- Minimalists who want to take their lifestyle to the extreme
- Radical thinkers or those who wish to be
- Open minded
- Willing to live a life beyond the norm
This Book Is Not For You If You Are:
- Comfortable living a mediocre lifestyle
- Overt consumerists happy in their materialism
- Against radical viewpoints
- Close minded
- Advocates of an average and normal life
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Contents (116 Pages and 22,000+ Words)
the definitions
warning! this book is dangerous
a radical minimalist is born
part one: what it means to be radical
part two: what it means to be a minimalist
part three: what it means to be a radical minimalist
the fork in the road
from good to great
share + review = fun!
a fond note to you, the radical reader
want more? (say yes.)
the woman i’ll always love
an attitude of gratitude
about the author
Parts 1, 2 and 3 make up the primary content of The Radical Minimalist. And these are just some of the radical topics we’ll cover, out of 47 total:
the (r)evolution of you.
how not to be an (oxy)moron.
quit playing games (with my heart).
the complexity of multiplicity.
my valentine’s date: three pairs of underwear, the cold, damp floor and a baggage terminal.
the e-mail vortex and how to get out of it.
the ultimate way to deal with haters that won’t land you in jail as someone’s b*tch.
the lost art of solitude.
minimalist freedom is for everyone.
Fun, isn’t it? This is an intoxicating, powerful book that will kick your ass! If you’ve come to enjoy my writing here at Castles in the Air, you will not be disappointed with The Radical Minimalist.
Free Prize Inside!
You’ll also receive Inspirations from The Radical Minimalist, a companion ebook for FREE, all in one nicely wrapped up digital package. If you just want the free companion ebook, you can download it immediately here.
And if that wasn’t enough to get you hot and heavy, you’ll receive free updated versions of The Radical Minimalist for an entire year!
Guest Appearances
For even more value to The Radical Minimalist, the following 6 bloggers are also featured in the book:
- Leo Babauta of Top 25 Blog Zen Habits, mnmlist and Write to Done
- Francine Jay of Miss Minimalist
- Colin Wright of Exile Lifestyle,, ebookling and
- Tammy Strobel of Rowdy Kittens
- Everett Bogue of Far Beyond the Stars
- Joel Runyon of Blog of Impossible Things
Extraordinary Praise from Extraordinary People
Minimalism is in and of itself a radical endeavor. You can try and be minimalist and keep it all, but that defeats the point. You can’t have your junk and be free too. In this revolutionary book, Nina Yau shows you how to make controversial decisions in order to free your life from consumerism. – Everett Bogue of Far Beyond the Stars
I’m not a minimalist. You might not be either. That’s okay, but don’t let the fact you’re not a minimalist keep you from hearing Nina’s broader message, “live life radically, on your own terms.” Her intensity & zest for life are so contagious in The Radical Minimalist that you can’t help but catch it. - Joel Runyon of Blog of Impossible Things
Nina Yau has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers for her incredible positivity — a kind of undeniable cheerfulness evident in both her blog and in every single part of this 116-page book. The brilliant thing, I think, is that it makes sense. Read this book, digest it fully and you’ll see exactly why she’s become such a strong, happy person. – Matt Madeiro of Three New Leaves
Just as what Nina wrote in one of her topics – the world we did not imagine – “being authentic means you are true to yourself and others. Go out there and practice it.” Every single idea that Nina wrote in her e-book – she not only embraces it, she practices it. This e-book comes truthfully from the bottom of Nina’s heart. – Jonathan Chan
The Big Question: Why?
I wrote this book in an attempt to bridge the understanding of not just knowing how to live simply by ways of reducing clutter and consumption, but to also shape our thinking in a way that is outside the box, one that does not blindly adhere to societal standards and “best practices,” and one that challenges the norm and the average that most people live by.
I did not want this to be “just another minimalist book.” I wanted it to be a tool in which the reader can use in order to motivate them and inspire them to radically change their thinking and lifestyle for the better. There will be crazy, outlandish ideas, tips and strategies in this book. But understand that outlandish or radical thoughts are all just relative to the person.
For some folks, the ideas presented in the book will make complete sense. For others, it might make them extremely uncomfortable. Take what you can, adapt it to your current situation and be prepared to change your life.
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If You Buy This Book, You’re Buying Me (This Doesn’t Make Me a Prostitute, Right?)
Writing is my passion and love. The words you’ll read are from my own heart, mind and soul. Essentially, it IS me. How’s that for being authentic?
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If you honestly hate this book, you will get your money back. Just send me an e-mail at nina at castlesintheair dot org.
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You’re awesomely awesome!
Radically yours,
Nina Yau
Author of The Radical Minimalist