Archive for January 2011
The Piercing Truth of Transcendence

Aristotle has once brilliantly said, “We are what we do repeatedly.” So does that mean the vast majority of us are consumerist whores, selling our private, fragile souls to the corporations at large, so willingly handing over our already limited choices — choices made limited because of how we choose to live our lives — [...]
Awareness: The Most Precious Kind of Freedom

Editor’s Note: Joshua Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus from are two really, really tall guys. How do I know? I felt like a small squirrel standing next to them while chatting at the Chicago Tweetup a few weeks back. But seriously, besides being tall, they are extremely nice and engaging and has worked hard to [...]
Create or Perish (and The Reasons Why I Write)

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. – Joseph Chilton Pearce People will be misunderstood. It is human nature. Not everything I say or write will be as clear as the blue-green ocean waters of beautiful Hawaii. And when we are misunderstood (more often than we’d like), it hurts. [...]